About the supplement:
Mysterious janni and fierce sphinxes. Flighty sprites and diminutive dragonets—and many more. These remarkable peoples from all corners of the known world have one thing in common: They’re ready to make your campaigns even more unique and memorable.
At last, a collection of characters as fantastical as the world of Shadow of the Weird Wizard! Weird Ancestries gives you the rules and background to play almost any kind of character in the borderlands. Each of the 30 two-page ancestries offers:
• Information about how to play the character as an adventurer, including origins, professions, and paths
• Detailed physical descriptions enhanced with a cool piece of color art
• Full rules for the ancestry’s talents and traits
• Facts about society and culture plus optional ancestry paths to help you build out characters that reflect cultural characteristics
Some of these folks you’ve briefly met in Secrets of the Weird Wizard, and others are brand new. Run them as described or customize them to fit your own vision. You’ll find something here to spark every player’s imagination.
For players and Sages alike. Suitable for all levels of play.