About the book:
SIS/TR [Starborn Invasion System / Turret Regenerator] is a mini boss that you can drop into any Cy_Borg setting and cause nearly limitless havoc.
Half Operating Manual / Half Setting
The first half of the book has Cy_Borg stats for SIS/TR’s main body (the big black cube) and its five turrets (smaller cubes). If you want to adapt SIS/TR to your own campaign or setting, you can have it mangling people in minutes.
The Setting – HANG THE DJ
Famous DJ Ronnie Fissure’s live-in sound studio / office has been invaded by SIS/TR for reasons unknown to the half-dead staff. Service droids dance–sparking and smoking–by themselves. On top of its many attacks, SIS/TR has turned itself into a towering mixtape of terror, deploying deafening LRADs, streams of molten vinyl records, and bowel-empting bass.
Music is the prevailing theme here. The victim of this scenario is a famous DJ name Ronnie Fissure, a heavily augmented digital musician who jacks into custom equipment and can sample millions of individuals’ thoughts and desires—turning those emotions into music. Although he still looks human, much of his neurology is made of cutting edge tech. Fans jack into his network and receive customized versions of his famous tracks. Fans are referred to as “Ronnies”.
SIS/TR has been drawn to Ronnie after listening to just one song. It could not help itself and wants to physically absorb Ronnie and his staggeringly immense library of fans’ longings. For pacing and tension, you can decide how fast SIS/TR reaches Ronnie and devours him… or maybe you want your players to have a fighting chance at saving this poor DJ.
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