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Survive: Escape from Atlantis! Update from Stronghold Games

Fresh news regarding Survive: Escape from Atlantis! direct from Stronghold Games:

PREORDER CLOSES TOMORROW, Saturday, December 4 at 10pm EST!

We are happy to announce that we are about to take our 500th preorder for Survive: Escape From Atlantis!.  We would like to thank each and every one of you who have trusted us with your money.  You are going to love your game!

This also means that we are about to reach our limit of 500 preorders, and therefore the end of our preorder period.  To give any last minute shoppers a final chance, we are closing our preorders for Survive tomorrow (Saturday, December 4th) at 10pm EST!

If you’ve been “on the fence” for preordering Survive, now is the time to act.   You can visit our website or click on the following link to go directly to our store.


As many of you know, Stronghold Games doesn’t wait to receive a certain number of preorders before printing the game.  This means a much faster preorder-to-delivery time for you, and at the same time means that we can pursue other great projects that our customers request.

We are pleased to inform our customers that our recent change to the Survive shipping schedule remains on time.

Stronghold Games currently estimates that the start of the preorder shipping will occur on December 20th, with the vast majority of shipments taking place before the close of business on the 21st.

Because of this, we are cautiously optimistic that our customers within the United States may begin receiving their preorder games in time for the Holiday Season, depending on factors such as distance from our warehouse, shipping capacities at the courier, and plain old luck. 

We wish to caution that our estimate is still vulnerable to upset by an overly-cautious port inspector or weather-related slowdown, but we will certainly advise our newsletter subscribers if something unexpected arises.

The retail date for Survive continues to be estimated at January 15th, pending the same variables as the preorder copies. 

Just as an additional note, not in the release, regarding the preorder for Survive: Escape from Atlantis!: You might not have known that you’ll save 30% off the retail price ($49.99) if you get your order in by tomorrow night. Not too shabby scoring the game for $34.97!

Hey… I Think This Dolphin Stole My Shirt!
Jeff McAleer

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