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Elliott and I hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day and if you’re just lazing around the house what better way to spend an hour and a half but by listening to our latest episode? Unless you don’t live in the U.S. as then it’s just a normal Monday workday. Still we’re here to hopefully bring you a smile!

On this episode we review Doctor Who The Card Game and The Laundry RPG from Cubicle 7 Studios, Cthulhu Fluxx from Looney Labs, and Smash Up from AEG.

Download the show to take on the go right here.

And don’t forget, The Gaming Gang podcast is on iTunes.

Also add the news and podcast feed to your favorite aggregator or app with this link.

*** UPDATE *** Since I’ve already received a few emails asking to share our recap we recorded at Gen Con 2012, I’m including a download link to hear our unedited twelve minutes or so where Elliott, Greg, and I chat about the show. I’m not going to add it to the feed or put together an intro or outro for it (as it really isn’t TGG at our finest as we were dead beat) but if folks would like to give a listen they can snag it here.

Jeff McAleer