Publisher: Kobold Press
Authors: Celeste Conowitch, JB Little, Sarah Madsen, and Sebastian Rombach
Artists: Hugh Pindur, Paola Andreatta, Darren Calvert, Basith Ibrahim, Maria Viktoria Kanellopoulou, Erika Lundrigan, William O’Brien, Corwin Paradinha, Ian Perks, Roberto Pitturru, Addison Rankin, Kiki Moch Rizki, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme, and Egil Thompson
Year: 2024
Genre: Core rulebook for the Tales of the Valiant fantasy roleplaying game
Pages: 386 pages
MSRP: $59.99 for the hardcover or $34.99 in PDF alone at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the core rulebook for the high fantasy roleplaying game Tales of the Valiant from Kobold Press. The Player’s Guide contains all the character creation options, gear, weapons, magic items, spells, and rules to get you playing. The RPG is very 5E Dungeons & Dragons adjacent but is it TOO adjacent? You’ll find out!