English language fans of the venerable German roleplaying game The Dark Eye should be very pleased by the latest Ulisses Spiele Kickstarter. The long awaited detailed spells and sorcery system is being covered by a variety of products included in the Magic of Adventuria project. The Kickstarter, which funded in just over thirty minutes, has a slew of pledge levels but the two which are probably going to garner the most interest are the digital and physical corebooks. For a $50.00 pledge you can receive the 240 page Magic of Aventuria, the 64 page Conspiracy of Mages adventure, the 48 page Legacy of the Theater Knights sourcebook, card sets, character sheets and more digitally. For a $100.00 pledge you can receive all of that plus a physical of the Magic of Aventuria tome. The project runs through June 6th with an expected delivery in September this year.
From Ulisses Spiele:
Explore the deeper mysteries of The Dark Eye with Magic of Aventuria and enhance your gameplay with additional rules, professions and archetypes on 240 pages! Magic of Aventuria gives you access to new magical traditions, perks and spells and gives you the background of what magic is like in Aventuria. Magic of Aventuria allows you to take complete control over the mystical art by delving into some of its strangest and most powerful practices of every kind of magic – from word, to song, to dance. Expand your magical repertoire with new traditions, spells and enchantments! Nearly two dozen profession packages expand options for starting characters and new focus rules for spell workshops allow mages to develop new and exciting spell effects!