R. Scott Taylor discusses the system:
Welcome to the Furious Action SysTem, or FAST for short! When I set out to create this mechanic, I couldn’t help remembering a talk I’d had with Savage Worlds designer Shayne Hensley at some long-forgotten GenCon in which he said, ‘I designed Savage Worlds in the way I did because I’m a lazy DM’. Those words have stuck with me for over a decade, and the older I get, the more a complex game simply seems like too high a hill to climb. It was for that reason alone that I sat down and decided I wanted to create a multi-genre RPG that not only could play in both Fantasy and Science Fiction with equal ease, but also would take the weight of sustained accounting set-up and table combat off the gamemaster’s shoulders.
FAST is a multi-genre tabletop RPG that streamlines game play for both gamemasters and players alike. The purpose of FAST is to help over-burdened users create and play fun scenarios without hours or prep time. The system revolves around a single die, the D10, and character creation and updating is made to reflect the ease of first generation RPGs in which multiple books, massive skill trees, and weighty feats and additions didn’t quickly send character builds out of control. At its core, FAST is about quick fun, without the headaches of overly ‘crunchy’ and rules heavy systems.
FAST Core is a complete RPG system, including chapters on Character Creation, Combat, Magic, Leveling & Game Play, Equipment, Enemies & Traps, and finally a Settings chapter that details three unique game worlds for introduction into the system (see below for these sample setting and modules!). The book is a color hardcover, in roughly 9×11 sizing format, and is currently at 120 pages (which will be expanded through possible stretch goals). The base FAST system has already been written and tested over the course of years, although complete layouts and some artwork have yet to occur because of the possible expansion of the Core book.
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