Luke Gygax and Alphinius Goo have teamed to create a Gary Gygax homage adventure and campaign setting for 5E and Old School Essentials (as well as other OSR retroclones). The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx promises hours upon hours of entertainment, at your game table, filled with callbacks to the roleplaying games of yore. The project is past the 1300% funding mark and there are a wide variety of pledge levels but you can reserve a copy of the collectors editions of the physical adventure and environment boxed sets for a $200.00 pledge or grab the digital editions for a $185.00 pledge through March 25th.
About the project:
The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Mega-Adventure and the Gyzaengaxx Environs Campaign Setting Box Set will bring many tales that GMs and players will truly love. The adventure is challenging, lampoony, mysterious, and grimdark… and is set in a most intriguing and dangerous regional territory and filled with many monsters, magicks, and marvelousness that harken back to the history of TTRPGs. Together the adventure and setting will provide many hours of gaming fun for your table! You can use these materials in Gooey Cube’s World of Zyathé or Gaxxworx’s World of Okkorim, or adapt them for use in your own world as you desire!
Like all our creations, The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx Adventure and The Environs of Gyzaengaxx Campaign Setting will bring an incredible array of adventures for your table to immerse and enthrall your players. Plus our adventures and settings are always filled with full-color event and encounter Art Handouts, amazing NPC Portraits, stunning full-color Maps, fantastic Magic Item Cards, game-enhancing Gooey Rewards Cards, and so much more. All designed to help make your life easier as a GM and to help you run more experiential and fun games for your players!
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