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Jeff Quick, Project Lead for Thunderstone over at Alderac Entertainment Group, posted the first tantalizing chapter in the development of Thunderstone Advance. It’s really an interesting look at how AEG is rebuilding the game to take advantage of new mechanics, new ideas, and new challenges…stone by stone (sorry I had too).

Here’s an excerpt, you can see the full article at AEG’s website

Welcome back to the Guardian column, our weekly peek into development behind the new Thunderstone Advance. I’m Jeff Quick, project lead for Thunderstone.

This week’s Guardian column is about the new basic deck. The basic deck is the starting deck of 12 cards that each player gets at the beginning of the game. In the current game, the basic deck is 6 Militia, 2 Torch, 2 Dagger, and 2 Iron Rations.

Only one of these cards made it into the new basic deck of Thunderstone Advance.

Militia, Amirite?
Can’t live with ‘em, can’t destroy ‘em through strategic use of the rest action.

Wait, you can actually totally do that second one. But it’s not all that fun. So we took a bold step

and scrapped

Militia. They’re gone in Thunderstone Advance.

We replaced them all with a new guy we like to call the Regular. Lots of things to like about the Regular.

First, look in the lower left corner of the Regular here. It costs only 2 XP to level him up into any level 1 hero instead of 3 XP. That’s a huge difference in play! It means you’re more likely to train up a Regular than just look for opportunities to ditch him. He’s also a little bit stronger than Militia, which means he’s more likely to pick up a weapon.

Speaking of weapons, take a look at the all new art by Erich Schreiner. It’s meaningful that the regular is holding a spear. Check out that Dungeon ability — evey time he gets a polearm in his grubby mitts, you get card draw.

So you have to make sure that polearms get dealt into the village setup, right?

Stick a Fork in Daggers
No, because we replaced daggers with the longspears in your basic deck.

Click Here to read the rest of the article at AEG’s Website

Elliott Miller

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