Today is one of the biggest in the gaming industry, Free RPG Day. Head out to your favorite local gaming store to get your hands on plenty of free goodies!
Here’s the list of some of the giveaways:
Frog God Games: Swords & Wizardry Adventure “Hall of Bones”
Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Better Than Any Man
Paizo: Pathfinder RPG Adventure “We Be Goblins Too!”
Catalyst Game Labs: BattleTech/Shadowrun Quickstart Flipbook
Fantasy Flight Games: Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG – Shadows of a Black Sun Unique Steampunk d6s
Chessex: Commemerative Dice
Goodman Games: DCC RPG Adventure
Louis Porter Jr. Design: NeoExodus Pathfinder Adventure “Temple of the Forbidden God”
Troll Lord Games: Castles & Crusades Adventure “A Pot of Broken Bones & Halfling Broth”
Blue Panther: Unique Dice Tower
Obatron Productions: Tunse’al Quick Starts and Side Tracks (Savage Worlds Licensed)