Obviously I’m teasing Toxic Bag a bit as this is, at least to my knowledge, their first foray into games as they’re well known for role playing game soundtracks available on CD and MP3s.
Toxic Bag’s Teaser Video For September’s Specimen B Kickstarter
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Thanks for mentioning us! Toxic Bag is a small company and we appreciate all the help we can get in promoting the game. Our Kickstarter launch will have a lot more looks at the board game itself. The trailer was supposed to help establish the mood, teddy bears notwithstanding!
Thanks again!
Steve Baldwin
Toxic Bag Productions, Inc.
You’re very welcome Steve. Obviously, you saw I was good natured teasing the video. Please let us know when the project launches so we can get a closer look at the game and share it with our audience.
The Kickstarter is in full swing, and we have lots of graphics and video up now beyond the original trailer. As of today, there are 2 different game play videos as well as short videos about specific event and strategy cards. We’ve also just added a new glimpse of the room sections on the game board.
Check it all out at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/toxicbag/specimen-board-game
Joe Griffin
Toxic Bag Productions, Inc.