About the book:
A historical setting for Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition focusing on boomtowns and the mass migrations that caused them, VAMPIRE: THE WILD WEST swings open the barn doors of an era of radical individualism, rapid technological and sociological change, fantastic wealth, and terrible violence. From shootist Brujah to Toreador madams and Lasombra desperados… V:TWW is unlike anything the World of Darkness community has seen yet.
Vampire: The Wild West is a complete Historical Setting supplement and contains 150+ pages of:
• Updates for all 13 Clans!
• New Disciplines, Merits & Flaws, Backgrounds, and more!
• Detailed history of the Americas during the Savage West era!
• A fresh look at period correct equipment, themes, moods, and other Storytelling tools!