A new setting is now available for the Savage Worlds system from White Witch Games and it’s dark fantasy inspired by the Old West. In Vermilium, players will take on the roles of antiheroes in a magically scarred industrialized land. The 202 page PDF of Vermlium is available at DriveThruRPG for $19.99.
About the game:
Vermilium is a western-inspired, dark fantasy RPG setting for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Explore a world of humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, sasquatch, clockworks, and monsters, built over the ruins of a long-forgotten industrial revolution, all scarred by magic. Delve into crumbling factory complexes; hunt dangerous bounties, terrifying monsters, and ancient artifacts; and harvest supernatural components to craft and concoct weird and wonderful remedies, weapons, and even new items of power to aid you in your adventures. You’re going to need them. All this and more awaits you in Vermilium as you take on the roles of antiheroes in a gilded, morally gray world of magic, machines, and manifest destiny.
Vermilium comes from humble beginnings at the gaming tables of my friends and I, where it organically grew as we played in it for many years. Since the campaign came to its epic conclusion in 2021, I released a number of award-winning adventures and character archetypes through the Savage Worlds Adventurer’s Guild, based on the stories we told. Now, the world of Vermilium has been given life beyond our tables as we pass you the torch and invite you to answer the call to adventure!
- Gazetteers for players and game masters detailing Vermilium’s many regions, factions, myths, and legends.
- 7 Bloodlines to play as, as well as rules for antiheroes with multiple bloodlines for creating truly unique characters.
- 60 Edges and Hindrances.
- New Setting Rules for hunting and gathering creature components and magical ingredients; crafting items and artifacts; and playing antiheroes.
- Rules for crafting adventures and encounters, as well as plenty of adventure hooks and inspiration.
- Rules for magical contraband and artifacts, and guidelines for navigating the treacherous black markets.
- A formidable bestiary with nearly 100 profiles.
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