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Fallout The RPG at DriveThruRPG
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Earlier today, Cubicle 7 Games launched a crowdfunding project for a 5E edition of the 19th Century steampunk/fantasy roleplaying game Victoriana. The Kickstarter easily funded in minutes and you can reserve a copy of the hardcover (with PDF) for a pledge of approximately $55.00 or score just the PDF alone for a pledge of approximately $28.00 through August 7th. Expected delivery on the PDF is this December with the physical book to follow next June.

About Victoriana for 5E:

It is 1887 – the year of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee — a time of opportunity and oppression, magic and technology, evolution and revolution.
The Second Great Age of Sorcery is over. The arcane aristocracy grows increasingly desperate as the bourgeois technologists rise to eclipse their long-held dominance. Left behind by the progress of the industrial revolution, proletariat anger is at boiling point. The old social order strains and creaks as the balance of power shifts. The world is in upheaval, change is coming, and nothing will remain untouched. Everyone will have to take a side.

Some are quick to step forward. Small groups of individuals brought together by shared purpose and prepared to stand up and be counted. The newspapers refer to them dismissively as Irregulars, alternately scorning their earnest beliefs or cynical self-interest. 

Drawn from all walks of life, each band of Irregulars is united by its own particular cause. One thing they all have in common: whether they are tracking down the horrors that still lurk in London’s darkest shadows, overthrowing greedy bourgeois captains of industry in Bermondsey, or throwing a wrench in the plans of degenerate nobles attempting to summon evil gods in Kensington Gardens, Irregulars will be found where they are most needed. Which side will you choose?

Jeff McAleer

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