From VPG:
This is our last newsletter before the New Year, so we’re letting you know 10 days in advance that we’ll be having a “Welcome in 2013” sale on December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013. The sale begins at midnight EST (GMT -5) on the 31st and ends 48 hours later. We’re going to do things just a little bit differently this sale. In addition to a discount, if your order totals $100.00 or more after your discount and before postage, we’ll throw in a copy of any one of our Battlesson games absolutely free. This includes such games as the classic Battle for Moscow, the first States of Siege game: Israeli Independence and even the new gold banner game Boom & Zoom (polybag edition only). Just write in the notes section of your order what game you’d like for free.
“But wait,” I hear you say, “free games are great, but I’m not sure I’m going to order a hundred bucks of games right now. Get to the discount code already!” Your wish is my command; the discount code for this sale is “HAPPY_2013” and, with it, you will receive an extra 10% off the already low VPG Sale Price for all of our games and accessories (excluding the already discounted multi-packs).
I would like to announce at this time that later this year, you will be able to get discount prices like this every day from The Little Game Company. We’re busy hammering out the details for our “Very Preferred Gamer (VPG) Club.” For a nominal annual fee, you’ll get a discount code exclusive to you that will give you a discount on every purchase you make, every time you shop on the VPG website. And of course, there will be special items offered exclusively to VPG Preferred Gamers. We will have more details in a future newsletter as we finalize the arrangements.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you, and may 2013 be filled with more and better games for everyone!