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Iceland Kickstarter
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Wyrd Miniatures is making the jump from producing their line of figures, for popular titles like Malifaux and Puppet Wars from traditional white metal to plastic. This sounds like a great idea as I’ve always found Wyrd to produce excellent figures but they trend toward the pricey side per mini. Possibly this change will bring down the buy in cost and increase the exposure of their games?

From Wyrd:

You’ve been wondering, pondering, even hollering about what we’ve got coming up and it’s about time to let folks know what we’ve got going on.

Wyrd has traditionally done all of our models the old fashion way, sculpt, mold, metal .. good to go! And it hasn’t been bad for us at all. Unfortunately these last few years we’ve had to deal with rising metal costs as well as a horde of other issues that have for one reason or another caused us a bit of trouble that necessitated our move to plastic.

We found a fix to that and in doing so, we feel that we have seriously upped our game when it comes to quality, product and model options.

If you like our artwork, then odds are you’re going to love the miniatures, as we’ve moved from traditional sculpting to digital sculpting and from metal to high detail hard plastic (this isn’t your bendy stuff!).

Oh, and the best part … we’re not raising our prices to do so. Better quality, more model options (heads, arms, weapons) at a better price.

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