I haven’t a clue as to what direction the next wave of DC related movies will take, be it dark and gritty or a more comic book stylization, but director Ayer is indicating his Suicide Squad will be like “the Dirty Dozen with superheroes.” I’m sure we aren’t going to see a Harley design concept anywhere near her most recent incarnation but I hope her character will capture the essence of what’s made Harley Quinn such a fan favorite: vulnerability (Harley’s really a victim of the Joker’s physiological manipulation), take no crap attitude, and strange lovability. Oddly enough, for a murderous psychotic, Harley is usually portrayed more as an anti-hero rather than down right villain.
Personally, I can really see Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn – her eyes just scream Harley and she was great in Wolf of Wall Street – so I hope the Australian actress puts pen to that contract and her character gets plenty of screen time in Suicide Squad.
Suicide Squad is scheduled for a 2016 release.