Once again it seems as every scumbag spammer wants to hammer away at our little website and this means our legitimate visitors are paying the price with long load times. I certainly didn’t redesign the site a couple weeks back to improve performance (not to mention invested more money to increase our bandwidth from our provider) so yahoos thinking their comments will actually get through the filters and see the light of day can screw with us. It’s not as if anyone gives a rat’s ass about their knockoff handbags, rip off Air Jordans, or cheap replica jerseys anyway…
Henceforth, and from this moment on, all IP addresses associated with spam comments will be banned. No fuss, no muss, simply banned, period. Sorry to say in this day and age of dynamic IPs some folks – who legitimately want to visit TGG – will end up banned but they will be few and far between. If that happens I welcome them to message me on Facebook and I’ll be happy to whitelist their IP.
End of transmission. 🙂