Those who actually read the notes around here will understand my late 2013 move to the Chicago area was to be a short lived expedition. I’m sure if you listen to the podcast or (once again) read the notes, you already understand I travel all around the country transporting vehicles. A vast majority of the time I pick those same said vehicles up in Goshen, Indiana before hitting the road. That said, my game plan was always to move to Indiana rather than stay in Illinois.
You may have noticed fewer reviews since I relocated to Yorkville, Illinois and part of it has to do with my holding off on requesting copies of games since I wasn’t sure when I’d be heading to Indiana while another part had to do with the infrequency of putting together enough people to tackle a title enough times for a review. Happily it looks as if that won’t be a problem in Indiana.
As of Friday I’ll be living in Mishawaka, Indiana (effectively a suburb of South Bend and only a few minutes away from the Notre Dame campus) since I wanted to be close to Goshen but not actually in Goshen; No offense to folks who live in Goshen but I’m a big city guy and that town would be just a wee bit too sleepy for me. The home I found is right smack in the middle of Mishawaka’s shopping district with plenty of stores, restaurants, and – thankfully – pubs only a few minutes away.
I’m pretty excited as my planned studio area I’ll be shooting video in has lots of natural lighting (unlike the apartment I had in Mesa, AZ which received little to no sun) and plenty of room to tape gameplay sessions. It will also be nice to record shows and videos on my schedule rather than struggling to squeeze in the necessary time in the few minutes it tends to be quiet here in Yorkville. So look forward to a lot more video in the very near future.
On a sort of funny side note, the second person I spoke with in Mishawaka is a big gamer – he hits Gen Con every year – so I already have the first member lined up for the new crew I’ll need to play games with me for review!
Sorry to say the website will be quiet through February 9th, as I won’t have the internet set up until Sunday; I’ll do me best to get a few items up today but I’ve still got some packing left to do…
So here’s to the new move to “The Princess City” and I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to crank out more reviews and media for our audience to enjoy!
Congratulations, Jeff! Sounds like a gamer’s home sweet home. Just make sure we get the latest address to send review copies of our games to! 🙂
Best, always,
Alan Emrich
Thanks Alan! I’m working on putting together a pretty sweet gaming room but that will take a little bit of time. As always I’m always on the lookout for what VPG has coming down the pike! 🙂