Publisher: Third Kingdom Games
Author: Todd Leback
Artists: Adrian Barber, Carlos Castilho, Dan Smith, Denis McCarthy, Fracesco Accordi, Marco Ortiz Walters, Michelle Smallwood, and Teresa Guido
Year: 2022
Genre: First volume of a fantasy bestiary designed for the Old School Essentials OSR roleplaying game
Pages: 134 pages
MSRP: $32.95 for the hardcover or $27.95 for the softcover or $13.95 in PDF alone at DriveThruRPG
I share my review of the BX Advanced Bestiary Volume 1 from Third Kingdom Games. The monster book is designed to be used with the Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy tome. The 134 page volume contains nearly 100 creatures, with variations, as well as race as class options.
There is currently a Kickstarter to fund the second volume of the series, Monsters E-K, which runs for another eight days too.