Title: Call of Cthulhu – Reign of Terror
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Mark Morrison with Penelope Love, James Coquillat, and Darren Watson
Artists: Victor Leza, Delphes Desvoivres, Denys Corel, Steph McAlea, and Oliver Sanfilippo
Year: 2017
Genre: Call of Cthulhu adventure supplement
Pages: 128 pages
Price: $34.99 for the hardcover; $17.95 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I page through and review the Call of Cthulhu adventure supplement Reign of Terror from Chaosium Inc. Are these two tales of terror perfect for a standalone campaign or inclusion into the epic Horror on the Orient Express? Or should you try not lose your head over what’s essentially two over-hyped Call of Cthulhu adventures which provide nothing revolutionary? You’ll find out!
19:16 Final thoughts and the review score
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