Publisher: Design Ministries and Modiphius Entertainment
Author: Wade Dyer
Artists: Clonerh Kimura, Dominique Van Velsen, Matthew Mizak, Miska Fredman, Sarunas Macijauskas, Tatiana Vetrova, and Fyodor Ananiev
Year: 2023
Genre: Core rule book for the post post-apocalyptic science fiction roleplaying game
Pages: 204 pages
MSRP: $55.00 for the hardcover or $22.00 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my review of the Fragged Empire Second Edition Rules from Design Ministries and Modiphius Entertainment. The book is one of three core books for the post post-apocalyptic science fiction roleplaying game as players take their roles from species who are returning to their spacefaring ways after the fall of a domineering empire.