Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford, and Jason Durall
Artists: Ossi Hiekkala, Hazem Ameen, Katrin Dirim, Antonia Doncheva, Andrey Fetisov, Dani Hartel, Ossi Hiekkala, Jon Hodgson, Lionel Marty, Evelyne Park, Mark Smylie, John Sumrow, Gábor Szügy & Agus Setiawan Weltofa, Matt Ryan, Glynn Seal, and Tobias Trannell
Year: 2024
Genre: Gazetteer for the RuneQuest Bronze Age fantasy roleplaying game
Pages: 190 pages
MSRP: $44.99 for the hardcover (with PDF) or $22.99 for just the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I bring you my review of the latest supplement for the RuneQuest Bronze Age fantasy roleplaying game from Chaosium Inc. Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass provides the history, important people and locations, monsters, NPCs, and more which are focused on the famed region of Glorantha.