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The One Ring: Moria – Through the Doors of Durin Reviewed

Title: The One Ring Moria – Through the Doors of Durin

Publisher: Free League Publishing

Authors: Gareth Hanrahan with Shawn Tomkin and Matt Click

Artists: Antonio De Luca, Federica Costantini, Michele Galavotti, Giuditta Betti, Andrea Tentori Montalto, Alvaro Tapia

Year: 2024

Genre: Region sourcebook for The One Ring roleplaying

Pages: 226 pages

MSRP: Hardcover $44.99

I share my thoughts about the new sourcebook for The One Ring roleplaying game from Free League Publishing. Moria – Through the Doors of Durin provides Loremasters with a slew of content regarding the famed mines of Moria and the ancestral home of the Dwarves of Middle-earth, Dwarrowdelf. The volume also includes new Journey rules and solo content for solitaire play.

Be sure to get into the running to win a copy of the book!

Jeff McAleer

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    The One Ring: Moria – Through the Doors of Durin Reviewed

    The One Ring: Moria - Through the Doors of Durin is filled with excellent content exploring the mines of Moria and Dwarrowdelf, the ancestral home of the dwarves of Middle-earth. There's plenty for using the setting as just an interlude for your adventurers or the location for a full fledged campaign. I do wish there were a couple of adventures in the volume to get Loremasters started but there's a slew of locations filled with schemes and troubles to keep your players engaged.

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