About the bundle:
Adventurer! This Hero’s Journey Bundle presents The Hero’s Journey, Second Edition, the Barrel Rider Games tabletop fantasy roleplaying game inspired by timeless folklore. Designed by James M. Spahn (White Star), The Hero’s Journey arose from the Old School Revival tradition (based on Swords & Wizardry) and, now enhanced in its 2019 Second Edition, incorporates modern design elements that help create wondrous tales of danger and magic, faerie and friendship.
This new offer presents the entire Hero’s Journey line — everything you need to commence your fantastic travels in the dark woods and beyond. For just US$12.95 you get all seven titles in our Heroic Collection (retail value $57) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete The Hero’s Journey Second Edition core rulebook, the Hero’s Companion rules expansion, the standalone companion game Skaldic Sagas: Heroic Journeys in the Viking Age, and the supplements Adventures & Interludes, Hero’s Grimoire, and Of Beasts Brave and True, plus The Hero’s Journey Narrator’s Screen.