You can check out my review of the first edition right here.
About the bundle:
Adventurer! This all-new Mazes FRP Bundle presents Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying, the episodic tabletop fantasy roleplaying game of sword-and-sorcery dungeon delving from 9th Level Games. Mazes FRP recasts the classic dungeon crawl with modern rules. Mazes FRP isn’t about shining knights and political intrigue, wandering bards and chivalrous romance. It’s about exploring forgotten caverns and ruins while avoiding perilous traps. Designed for episodic play, Mazes FRP is easy to learn and teach, and ready to play with minimal prep, making it ideal for one-shots and conventions. Each maze is intended to be a simple dungeon crawl that can be resolved in a few hours.
This new offer gives you almost the entire Mazes FRP line to date, including the core rulebook and 12 modules, for an unbeatable bargain price. For just US$17.95 you get all fourteen titles in our Mazes Collection (retail value $102) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying core rulebook, 12 Mazes Monthly Modules (click the book entry below for a complete list), and the handy reference compendium for the modules, Mazes Monthly Folio: Year 1.