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Traveller: Deepnight Revelation (Mongoose Publishing)Bundle of Holding is currently offering two money saving offers for the Mongoose Publishing roleplaying game Traveller. One bundle features the core book and adventures (learn more here) as well as the Traveller: Great Rift Bundle containing both the Deepnight Revelation and The Great rift campaigns and adventures. These savings run though November 28th and ten percent of your payment (after gateway fees) will be donated to the pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief.

About the bundle:

Careful, Traveller! This Traveller Great Rift Bundle is just one of two all-new offers in progress featuring the Second Edition Traveller tabletop roleplaying game line from Mongoose Publishing. This offer brings you two complete campaign sets and many adventures that send your player characters into very deep space on a decades-long trek to strange new worlds where no Traveller has gone before.

For just US$9.95 you get both complete sets in our Starter Collection (retail value $80) as DRM-free ebooks. The Great Rift is a 402-page setting guide about the incomprehensibly large void that divides the Third Imperium galactic empire. Deepnight Revelation is a 320-page campaign that covers every stage of a 500-crew starship’s 10-year journey across the Riftmouth to Terminus Point, and then (everyone hopes) back home to Charted Space.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $35.48, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with nine more sourcebooks and adventures worth an additional $198 that enhance your voyage across the Rift, including six Deepnight sourcebooks (Riftsedge Transit, The Near Side of Yonder, The Crossing, The Far Side of Nowhere, Voidshore, and Expeditions) and three Great Rift Adventures: 1: Islands in the Rift, 2: Deepnight Endeavour, and 3: Flatlined.

Jeff McAleer

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