Title: At Any Cost – Metz 1870
Publisher: GMT Games
Designer: Hermann Luttmann
Artist: Rodger B. MacGowan
Year: 2018
Genre: Franco-Prussian wargame
Players: One or two players
Ages: 14+
Playtime: Two hours and more
MSRP: $50.00
Today I review the Franco-Prussian War game At Any Cost: Metz 1870 from GMT Games. Plus the latest news from Editions Sans Detour, WizKids, Legion Wargames, Bundle of Holding, and more.
05:13 News of the day
32:12 What’s coming up on future episodes
36:20 At Any Cost: Metz 1870 reviewed
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Thanks a million for the great review and the shout out!
By the way, it’s pronounced “Grav-a-lot Saint Pre-vaunt.” At least that’s how we pronounced it.
See you at Origins.
– Fred
Also, we were pronouncing the French proto-machine gun as the “Mit- rael – loose.” But as neither of us speaks French, as far as I know, that’s as close as we can get.
– Fred
As for the German pronunciations, I didn’t even try. You’ll have to ask Herm for those. He’d pronounce them and I’d reply “OK.” They could have been the names of the various cheeses he liked for all I knew.