From Stormforge:
It is the end of the 23rd century and Earth is unrecognizable. Most of the oceans have boiled away, and greenery is a luxury. Instead there are only the mega-metropolis cities dotting an empty wasteland. 50 billion souls are packed onto Earth, and 10s of billions dot the colonies of the solar system, and they all answer to a single government and a single man. The emperor of humanity brooks no nonsense, and rules with an iron fist. Life is tough for the average citizen in the empire, but they are far beneath your specific concerns.
You work for an Enforcer of the emperor. You were handpicked for your cunning, skill, pragmatism, brutality, or something else that caught the Enforcer’s eye. You were uprooted from whatever life you live, and now you fight for the emperor. Enforcers are the hunters of the empire, and you are the Enforcer’s hound. Traitors, rebels, witches, heretics, anyone who poses a threat to the empire is fair game. You have been told to do whatever it takes to keep the empire safe, and you will do exactly that. One day you will die for the emperor, but until then, you will hunt for him, kill for him, and keep his empire safe.
Enforcer is a miniature based narrative-wargame, or a war-roleplaying-game, in the style of the INQ28 games. It takes the best of wargaming and RPGs to create an experience of the early skirmish era miniature RPGs. Enforcer is as much about player skill as it is about character skill. Your characters and the dice will tell you if they succeed or fail at any given action, but it is about how your use your characters, about how you strategize and use your tactical skill that will determine if you win or lose any scenario.
Enforcer is a physical tabletop game meant for 28mm models. It uses a simple d100 system that keeps the game flowing and the action front and centre. The dice aren’t the be-all and end-all of Enforcer, however, and your strategies in playing the game will determine your success or failure. Each character is a mixture of stats, traits, weapons, armours and items, giving you the flexibility to kit out your character and your team to meet the demands of the mission. Enforcer is a lethal game, so make sure they are kitted out well or they won’t survive for very long. Those that survive will be better off for it, and by the end of a campaign you will have a hardy bunch of soldiers ready to take on anything.
Inside Enforcer you’ll find:
- How to create your own character
- Full rules for playing, covering everything from turns, combat, status effects, and the environment
- 9 Battle Scenarios meant for fun, guts and glory type games
- 4 Campaign scenarios that can help shape your character’s destiny
- Sheets for characters, armoury and campaigns
- Templates for weapons, character stand-ins and sample terrain