From Flying Pig:
Kursk. Many historians believe it was the turning point of the World War II. Kursk. Witness to the largest tank battle of the entire war. Kursk. The end of the myth of German invincibility.
Although the history is important, what is more so is an immersive, fast-moving, compelling game that lets YOU relive the history. That’s what you get with Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk.
Designed by Mark H. Walker and David K. van Hoose, Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk (PCD:K) is the gorgeous port of Tiny Battles’ well-known Platoon Commander system to Flying Pig’s big box, mounted map, large counter method of game publishing. Each game includes TWO mounted 11” x 17” geomorphic maps, and four sheets of thick (2mm thick, wow these counters are so easy to pick up, thick, why haven’t wargames been like this forever, thick), 1” square counters. There are Tiger tanks, Panther tanks, Mk IV tanks, T-34/76 tanks, KV-1 tanks, SU-152 assault guns, infantry (rifle, guards, pioneers, submachine gun), mortar batteries, Stukas, IL-2, and more.
Platoon Commander Deluxe: Kursk is a system that grognards and newbies alike can enjoy. The counters are large, easy to read, and beautifully illustrated. There is no jungle of numbers to wade through; the range at which a unit can fire is indicated by the color of the icon behind the attack factor. Although gamers need not fiddle with unit facing, simple rules account for flanking fire. And infantry isn’t forgotten either. Platoon Commander Deluxe uses a unique system in which infantry assaults from adjacent hexes, allowing commanders to concentrate overwhelming force at a critical point and even conduct flank attacks. And woe be the Tiger platoon caught unsupported in the midst of a city by a Russian rifle platoon. I’ve been playing platoon-level wargames since I first discovered Panzer Leader, and Platoon Commander Deluxe is the system that I have always wanted to play. I hope you like it too.
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