Fans of all editions of Dungeons & Dragons should take note the incredible number of PDF downloads from DnDClassics continues to grow, with five additions arriving this past week…
The draconians have now conquered the civilized lands to the north. You have led a struggling, starving band of refugees out of slavery-but freedom and safety lie over an impassible mountain range! There is only one way to safety: find the doors of the ancient dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, and persuade the rulers to let the refugees pass.
What price will the dwarven thanes ask? Can you succeed in your mission before the draconians destroy the hidden camp of the refugees?
“Dragons of Desolation” is the fourth Dragonlance adventure for use with the AD&D game system, and concludes the first book of Dragonlance. You can play this adventure by itself or as part of the grand quest that spans the entire Dragonlancestory.
An adventure for characters level 6-8
Written by Tracy Hickman and Michael Dobson
To some it is a vacationer’s paradise. Tropical islands, set in sapphire seas, fringed with shell-covered beaches: the perfect spot to “get away from it all.” To others, it is a place to be feared. Pirates’ hideaways, disease-ridden jungles, psychotic natives: the perfect spot to avoid.
The Kingdom of Ierendi comprises ten islands, each with a specific attraction for the adventure-seeking visitor. the native population includes the Makai, the original tribe to inhabit the islands, and various settlers who have chosen these exotic locales as their home (well for some, perhaps “chosen” is not quite the proper word…). Your characters want to take a break from precisely that kind of relief.
From the fishing village of Fing Zulor to the druidic city or Odemark and the great capital of Skapa Hjarring, this is Halskapa, the greatest kingdom of the Rjurik Highlands in the Birthright campaign setting.
King Berving, aged and ailing, a man who once united the discordant provinces of Hlaskapa, is abdicting his throne in favor of your character. Once, he could take almost any action and keep the support of the jarls who govern those provinces. Now, his mind debilitated and his strength ebbing, anything he does creates open conflict with them?and they are particularly outraged that he has designed someone from outside the group as his successor. Will the ambitious, competitive jarls allow the crown’s choice to stand? Will they allow the new regent to live?
Halskapa, the original settlement of the Rjurik in the Highlands, with a long and proud history as a bulwark human civilization in the north, is about to plunge into civil war? unless you can tame the jarls, stop the internal feuds, and prevent invasion by those who view the regent as weak and Halskapa as prey.
This Birthright domain sourcebook is designed for players who wish to take the role or High Jarl of Halskapa. It can also be used by players taking the roles of provincial jarls, vassals of the regent, merchants, or adventures in this Norselike domain.
From Waterdeep and the Sword Coast to the jungles of Chult and faraway lands of Thay, strange and powerful magics fill the Forgotten Realms. Ancient tomes, powerful spells, fearsome weapons – all these and more await adventurers who can overcome terrible dangers to wield great power.
Ed Greenwood, originator of the FORGOTTEN REALMS game world, and famous game designer Steve Perrin have spent many long days with Elminster of Shadowdale, perhaps the finest sage in the long history of Abeir-Toril. The result of all this work is in your hands; The Magister is a compilation of new spells and items for your FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign.
Some of the new magics described in The Magister were first published in numerous “Elminster” articles in Dragon magazine. The best of these, along with many new fabulous spells and items, appear in this volume.
Prepare for War
Great conflicts erupt between rival nations and threaten to sweep across entire continents. As armies clash in epic battles, the actions of a handful of bold heroes can turn the tide of war. Whether in the thick of combat or on a secret mission of dire importance, brave champions have an impact that echoes across the battlefield and resounds through the ages.
This supplement for the D&D game reveals the pivotal roles characters can play in the midst of great battles. With rules and options for creating or playing adventures on and around battlefields, Heroes of Battle plunges characters into wartime situations and challenges them with climactic battles of epic proportions.
To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player’s Handbook™ and Dungeon Master’s Guide™. A player needs only the Player’s Handbook.
Heroes of Battle provides everything one needs to know to play a battle-oriented D&D campaign. You can build military characters with new feats, spells, uses for traditional spells, and prestige classes. Information is given on tools specific to the battlefield, including siege engines, weapons, magic items, steeds, and other exotic mounts. Battlefield terrain aspects are discussed with plenty of illustrative maps and new rules. Specific types of battlefield encounters are discussed in detail, and the book provides specific detail on designing battlefields.
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