About the project:
Girls on Games is a new book written by a compilation of female game industry professionals, with the aim to engage, entertain, and educate both seasoned gamers and game-makers as well as novice game inventors and those seeking positions within this amazing industry of ours!
When Elisa Teague first entered the tabletop game industry 15 years ago, the climate for women was very different than it is now. Even with great strides being made in the name of gender equality and numbers of women in the industry increasing, female game makers are still in a great minority and face amazing challenges in our otherwise inclusive field.
After compiling stories and advice for years, Elisa decided to write a book on the matter, and there is no better way to discuss such important topics than to include many voices with important viewpoints on the subject. So, we’ve gathered together some amazing contributors to each add a chapter on various game topics for a book that has never been see before!
Our chapter topics include:
- Anecdotes or stories about being a woman in the game industry
- Advice for women on overcoming challenges women face in this field
- Advice for men on how to make inclusion a reality in our great industry
- Glass ceilings, male co-worker dealings, and general inequality of women in the field
- Creating balanced game design for both men and women
- Why games are important for girls
- Dealing with “fake geek” or “real gamer” comments when playing games (or just existing) in mixed company
- Two words: Booth Babes.
- Female representation in games
- Being taken seriously as a professional in a male-dominated category
- Tips on getting your foot in the door at a game company
- The pros and cons of Games “for girls”
- and so much more!