From Worthington:
General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia has been fighting General Meade’s Army of the Potomac for two brutal days at Gettysburg. Lee’s army has garnered some successes but could not achieve that decisive break through of the Union lines. On the third day Lee, despite resistance from his trusted “Old Warhorse” General Longstreet, decided on a massive assault against what he deemed to be the weak spot in the Union battle line. This dramatic, infamous assault is popularly known as Pickett’s Charge.
The game system features some new takes on the traditional “push-your-luck” mechanic and applies them to a war game setting. As General Longstreet, you must decide how quickly to press your advancing troops across the deadly open ground before allowing the men to regroup themselves for another bound. But time is not on your side and the longer your stalwart soldiers remain in this maelstrom of enemy fire, the more dangerous it becomes and the less likely they will arrive with the verve and numbers required to carry the day. Good luck!
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