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Fallout The RPG at DriveThruRPG
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Über Goober Games has released Über RPG: Steampunk. Not only will you be able to bring it to your gaming table but it can also be played as a Live Action Role Playing (LARP) for those who like to pull out their favorite suits, goggles, and metal accessories. The outfits worn by the crew in the Origins booth was unique and drew much attention. Of special interest was their steampunk gear for sale. Their unique goggles they offered were flying off the shelves.

Let’s get a little more info about Über RPG: Steampunk, and be sure to stay tuned for our soon to be released interview with Steve Metze from Über Goober Games…

From UGB:

Welcome to a world of mad, inspirational wonders and wild scientific theory wrapped in fog, run by gears, and lit by gaslight. Steampunk is a venue for adventure, no doubt about that, with science and technology unhindered by the laws of physics, with societal norms from any culture past, present or future, and with only as much historical accuracy as fits the whims of the moment. It is a realm where anything is possible under the guise of skimming whatever we want from an idealized – or grossly imperfect – version of the 19th Century

Über RPG: Steampunk can be played as a table top roleplaying game or a Live Action Role Playing game, and it provides all the tools and background you need to enter this retro-futuristic universe with just as much potential for light hearted adventure as it has for deep dives into the psyche of a dark and harshly split world.

1.While focused on Steampunk, it can work in any genre

■Packages can be created for different races and backgrounds and technology levels.
■Powers, skills, and abilities can work in any setting.

2.Has a simple and easy to remember dice system

■Everything is done with six-sided dice with the same results
■Rolling a 5-6 = good
■Rolling a 2-4 = neutral
■Rolling a 1 = bad

3.Has a set of simple character creation rules with many options

■Characters created on a point-based system (i.e., not random)
■Lots of variations for characters
■Many helpful example Packages, but no fixed classes or races
■All characters are custom made individuals, not cut-out archetypes. More freedom in character creation = more open role-playing.

4.Has very simple combat rules with many options which work well without miniatures, but can also work well using miniatures, particularly in large combat situations.

■Enemy lackeys go down quickly
■One roll determines “to hit” and damage
■Lots of variations available in combat
■Minimal record keeping (no hit points)

Elliott Miller

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