About the adventure:
A terrible death long ago leads to terrible choices now…
Attending the funeral of a childhood friend is never an easy thing, but when it’s the funeral of someone you accidentally killed and then brought back to life years ago, well . . . you all have owes, and this one’s about to come due. Best Leave Them Ghosts Alone is an Old Gods of Appalachia horror adventure set in a small town full of memories, ghosts, and promises unpaid. This poignant adventure, rife with atmosphere, horror, and emotion, was an official Monte Cook Games event at Gen Con 2023, and is particularly well suited for use as a unique standalone experience.
The Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game is a horror game, and as such, is full of things that might disturb your dreams, follow in your footsteps, and haunt your waking hours. This adventure includes elements such child death, grief, funerals, ghosts, and hauntings.