OSS is also behind the rebirth of Ares Magazine, which includes a mix of SF and fantasy fiction as well as a game in each issue too.
From One Small Step:
CounterFact Issue #1 is a new journal of professional and commercial wargaming. It is published approximately four times per year on an “as ready” basis. Each issue contains articles on professional and commercial wargaming to include game analysis, commentary, polemology, and provocative pieces on conflict and design theory. Also included in each issue is a manual wargame, usually consisting of a tabloid map-sheet, a sheet of playing pieces, and a rules booklet.The insert game for this premier issue is Mule Shoe Salient at Spotsylvania Courthouse, part of the Bloody Angle by designer Richard Dengel. This game features 11×17” map, 140 die-cut counters, 12 page rulebook.
May 10th, 1864. A solid month of fighting found Grant no closer to the destruction of Lee’s army than when his offensive started. Indeed, his losses exceeded Lee’s by nearly two thirds. After escaping disaster in the Wilderness (when arguably only the wounding of Confederate General James Longstreet salvaged a stalemate from sure defeat), Grant now found himself grinding his army against the deadly abrasive of Rebel entrenchments.
Desperate for a clean, quick solution, Grant listened attentively to the notions of a brash 24 year old Colonel named Emory Upton. Attack on a narrow front, Upton maintained, and do not pause to fire. The condensed mass, several lines deep, would simply ram its way across the parapets. The first line, after making initial penetration would then fan left and right, widening the breach. The succeeding lines would drive straight ahead, deepening the plunge. A reserve would then arrive, to stem the sure gray counterattack.
Game includes:
11×17 map
140 die-cut counters
12 page rulebook
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