From the author:
Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime & Corruption is equal parts neo-noir, pulp detective fiction, and a bit of the ol’ ultraviolence thrown into a cement mixer and poured on top a heap of nameless bodies no one will ever miss.
It’s a modern urban setting full of despicable people doing awful things in the name of God, money, politics, or to pay off old debts. The stories shine light on the dark places of the human heart but it’s about finding diamonds in the rough, about good people in bad situations. The heroes may have questionable means but they have good intentions.
Of course, you know what they say about good intentions.
Streets of Bedlam is a pen-and-paper roleplaying game in which you play characters with histories, who’ve done bad things, who may do a few more, but who have a code they stick to, fuzzy though it may be, that guides them through life and allows them to make a difference. Everybody in this town wants something but your characters are aiming higher than most and maybe, just maybe, they’ll do some good. At the very least, maybe they’ll stop some bad from happening.
Streets of Bedlam will be built around the award-winning Savage Worlds ruleset published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. This is the same ruleset that powers Deadlands: Reloaded, 50 Fathoms, and Rippers.
The RPG is set to launch in April 2012. You can can still secure copies of the game, guarantee a lot of great artwork for the book, and even help direct the flow of supplements. If you have any interest in ultraviolent neo-noir crime roleplaying, visit the Kickstarter page to learn more and pledge your support and maybe, just maybe, be included as a character in the rules. How cool is that?
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