Halloween is right around the corner and the boys are chatty about all things gaming (and all things Halloween related) while, luckily, they do their best to stay on track as opposed to last year.
No… They don’t stay on track too well, but it isn’t as scattered as 2010’s program.
Along with the latest game news, expect reviews of Arkham Horror and Elder Sign from Fantasy Flight Games, Outbreak Undead from Hunters Books, and the Undead States of America miniature rules system from Über Goober Games.
No doubt, our next show will probably have a bit more Halloween action as well…
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I’d like to start off by addressing a few of the points you’ve brought up in your comment.
First, I’m probably a lot meaner that I come across on the show or in my writing. I’m not a jerk for the sake of being a jerk but I believe in being honest regardless of what someone might think in the long run. For example, my best friend’s name is Elliott. I get very tired of looking at emails or comments that misspell his name.
I’m sure you wouldn’t be very happy if I referred to you as Kyler as I respond; It’s not your name and it’s insulting to refer to someone incorrectly in any manner.
I have to say I’m getting a bit tired of people writing to tell me how TGG should go about things; how our reviews don’t jive with other websites; how we need to change. I also get a bit riled up when people want to lump us in with websites that haven’t a clue how to go about drawing people in and providing people with something which is original.
Or in other words, we have advertisers who want to be here as opposed to websites that are scratching and clawing to earn a nickel or only got into this gig so they could make money.
I really have no interest in people who want to make us “better”. I normally respond to people who email me their critical comments informing them they’re more than welcome to start their own website so they can show us how it’s done. We’ve never expected the run of the mill to understand our gameplan nor are we willing to share that gameplan. But if you’re interested in trying to blow the doors off the established game sites as we have (while not devoting hour upon hour pimping ourselves out) I’m happy to point you in the right direction.
I’m doing my best to be nice in my response (something I unfortunately am not very skilled in) but I think Elliott and I have hung in there pretty well to this point. I don’t know of too many gaming sites, that have two people putting together all the content, who have done as well as we have in a very short period of time.
This isn’t a perfect website, we don’t put together a perfect show, and this probably isn’t the best show we ever put together. Yet we didn’t just sit back to wait until we didn’t have anything better to do before we recorded the show…
Yeah, What he said!
I think by “he” Elliott means me. 🙂
I have to say I’m one of the biggest fans of the show but whenever Elliot starts reviewing a game I just want to fall asleep. He never seems very excited about whatever game he review no matter if he likes it or not.
This is one of the best game sites I’ve ever run across but as long as Elliot phones in his appearances on the show The Gaming Gang will never break into the top tiers of gaming podcasts. Jeff asks questions and jokes around during Elliot’s reviews but you cna hear a pin drop when Jeff reviews a game. Jeff, have you asked Elliot to stay quiet when you share your reviews?
I know Jeff sounds like he might be kind of a mean guy in real life but he sounds like he cares. I know Elliot is a professional voice over actor and he comes across like he only cares about sounding good. Or Jeff sounds like he’s for real and Elliot is putting on a show.
This show was fun until Elliot started his reviews. When he started to talk I just wanted to go to sleep. He obviously reads his script and that’s it. I have to wonder if he plays the games he talks about. If he’s bored with games why should I be excited about hose same games.
When Jeff boots off the show I can see The Gaming Gang becomeing the number one gaming show on the internet. One of the best shows ever was when Jeff had the other guy on and its too bad he left because they both sounded like they really liked the games they talked about.
Very good and informative web site and podcast! While I’m very big on theme over mechanics, I’ve never been into the horror/Halloween theme, myself, and am not interested in Arkham Horror or zombie games. I have noted the rise in the theme, though, and find it interesting when thinking about the hobby and its demographics and culture. It is fascinating to see what sells.
Well, for Halloween we thought we’d present some horror themed games for review. As you can see we tend to cover all types of genres though.