Happy new year!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Our first update of 2012 features mostly out of print titles and restocks including Fantasy Games Unlimited – Aftermath, Bushido and Villains and Vigilantes, Mayfair – DC Heroes, Third Year of Our Reign for Reign, In Nomine for GURPS, Empire of the Petal Throne titles from Tita’s House of Games, a number of rare D&D Encounters modules, Babylon 5 Wars from Agents of Gaming, FASA Star Trek miniatures (some we almost NEVER see), GW, Grenadier and Ral Partha (including fantasy and also Battletech) miniature lots, Mithril Middle Earth miniatures including the Gold Fellowship line, a restock of Napoleon at War miniatures and rules from Man at War, a number of unpunched Avalon Hill classics, a restock of Canons en Carton imported wargames available exclusively from Noble Knight Games, a restock of Chris Harding Simulations wargames (very limited supply as always), several rare ASL titles from Multiman, the Puerto Rico limited Anniversary edition from Rio Grande Games, a number of rare Heroscape miniatures, and a restock of new and unavailable precision gaming dice (painted and unpainted) from Gamestation. Now that things have slowed down a bit after the holidays it is also a great time for us (and perhaps for you) to sell or trade any of your unwanted games and accessories to Noble Knight. Feel free to send a list over and we’ll get back to you with a quick quote.
Here’s to a fantastic 2012 with plenty of time for gaming!!