About the supplement:
This supplement for Warlock!, the old-school roleplaying game inspired by the early days of British tabletop gaming, includes three adventures of vice, villainy, and intrigue. All take place within the Kingdom setting, giving further flavor and context to that world, and explore the meeting places of the secretive societies of the Kingdom and her more morally ambiguous trades.
• The first adventure is Ghosts of Hollyford, a notorious and hunted outlaw seeks revenge for the death of his gang to an abomination of sorcery in an enigmatic wood, will the player characters deliver vengeance or deliver the outlaw to the King’s Wardens?
• The second adventure is Vice and Villainy in Verminham, in a dark and dank
canalside tavern competing interests are about to make for a very interesting night, there are opportunities to be had for the bold or at least the not terribly squeamish.
• The third adventure is Red Night in Fair Marenesse, a wealthy merchant has been murdered and a group of scoundrels are holding out on a deal but all is not as it seems and there are those with a burning hot desire to see the job is done.
All are written to be played individually but with guidance to be played as a set and all packed with threads and hooks for further related adventures!