Everyone’s favorite gamer and geek icon, Wil Wheaton, is host and executive producer and describes the show as “Celebrity Poker meets Dinner for Five.” Granted, I’ve never had much time for any sort of celebrity poker but I always thoroughly enjoyed Jon Favreau’s quirky dinner with movie friends on IFC. To give a closer look at what Wheaton has in store, he took to his blog and provided fans a breakdown what they can expect to see during the first season of TableTop.
In Wheaton’s very own words:
My ulterior motive with Tabletop is to show by example how much fun it is to play boardgames. I want to show that Gamers aren’t all a bunch of weirdoes who can’t make eye contact when they talk to you, and that getting together for a game night is just as social and awesome as getting together to watch Sportsball, or to play poker, or for a LAN party, or whatever non-gamers do with their friends. I want to inspire people to try hobby games, and I want to remove the stigma associated with gaming and gamers.
In season one of the show, we play games like Settlers of Catan, The Last Night on Earth, Munchkin, Small World, and Alhambra. Some of the players include Grant Imahara, Sean Plott (better known as Day[9]), Dodger Leigh, Ryan Higa, Beth Riesgraf, Phil Lamarr, Morgan Webb, Garfunkle and Oats, Veronica Belmont, and Colin Ferguson.
Run, don’t walk, to subscribe to the show and get ready for the premiere April 2nd, with followups every two weeks! Just to whet your appetite, here’s the trailer:
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Great coverage of Tabletop. Being a longtime guild watcher, I just recently discovered Tabletop and have devoured their episodes! So much fun to see folks like Michele Boyd of Project Unicorn, Seth Green and Clare Grant (also of Project Unicorn), Tara Strong (of every cartoon on the planet), Grant Imahara (of Mythbusters), and so many other great folks learning games with Wheaton. Although he and Felicia Day work together on so many things, I secretly suspect there’s a super-amped Alpha personality sibling rivalry between them that’s much more intense than that between her and her actual brother, Ryon. (I’ve rarely seen the normally affable Wheaton become more like early season Sheldon when Wheaton comes to town than when Felicia is on Tabletop. The most recent Felicia “apology” episode just made the situation more noticable–not less! LOL)