Game Title: RuneQuest – The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories
Publisher: Chaosium Inc
Authors: Christopher Klug, Steve Perrin, Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford, and Jason Durall with Jerry Thorpe
Artists: Dimitrina Angelska, Antonia Doncheva, Jon Hodgson, Jennifer Lange, Pat Loboyko, Eli Maffei, Magdalena Mieszczak, Sara Otterstätter, Scott Purdy, Corey Trego-Erdner, Chris Waller, Olivier Sanfilippo, and Tobias Tranell
Year: 2019
Genre: RuneQuest adventure and setting supplement
Pages: 192 pages
MSRP: $37.99 for the hardcover (including the free PDF if ordering from Chaosium Inc) or $18.99 in PDF alone at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the initial adventure collection for the RuneQuest roleplaying game, The Smoking Ruin and Other Stories, from Chaosium Inc. The volume contains a trio of tales as well as three detailed locations for your heroes to explore.