Publisher: Victory Point Games
Designer: Scott Muldoon
Year: 2013
Players: 3-4
Ages: 13+
Playing Time: 45 minutes
Retail Price: $22.95 (boxed)
Genre: Family card game set in Feudal Japan
One 16-page, full color rules booklet
80 beautifully illustrated cards
1 Acryllic, laser-cut pagoda control marker
1 Game mat
6 Player mats
This review is for the Boxed Version.
Tenka is a “take that” card game and a fun one at that. You’ll be recruiting Samurai to build up your army in order to take other player’s cards, if you’re the winner of battles. Adding Lords to your court to make sure you have the most nobles. By having the most Lords you may take one additional Action on your turn. You’ll also look towards having the most Priests in your court so you’ll be able to draw one additional card and hold one extra during that turn. If you increase the number of Provinces you control, and if they are equal to or greater than the Stability number, you win. Wait, you also need to have more than the other players.
At the start of your turn, when you check for Province Victory, if you have the required number of Province cards you win the game. The Stability Tracker starts at five and goes down by one each time the draw deck runs out. In this way the game will end no matter what happens between the players. With thirteen cards of each type you’ll be going through the deck quickly. I played one game where a lot of back forth happened and without the countdown of the Stability Tracker we could’ve been there for a while. Next you’ll draw one card which is simple enough. Don’t forget about the Priests and check those Special cards which allow you to draw even more cards. Finally you’ll take one action.
I will point out the only real issue I have with the game is the card stock; it’s quite thin and more paperish than standard playing cards.
Every time I’ve played, Tenka’s been enjoyable. The player interaction is always there and you need to pay attention during everyone’s turn. The strategies change with each card placed and keeps you on your toes. Regardless if this is an 80 card deck this game will be going with me everywhere …even on non- gaming days.
Is the box big enough to fit all the cards if you use card sleeves?
Being pretty familiar with the VPG boxes, I’d say you shouldn’t have a problem sleeving the cards with room to spare.
I haven’t measured the box, but it’s big enough to hold several decks of cards, even with sleeves.
I did a test and you can fit at least 200 cards in the box, with all the components. I used Fantasy Flight Games sleeves.
The game is now out of production, would you possible to share the card images?
Even though the game is out of print, it’s still under copyright. So that would mean a hard no to your question.
got it thanks