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Tag: Pathfinder

Pathfinder Bestiary #5 (Paizo Publishing)

Pathfinder Bestiary 5 Now Available

You say you need more monsters for your Pathfinder campaigns? Paizo has announced the release of the Pathfinder Bestiary 5 which includes over 300 critters and creatures to keep your players on their toes.

Gen Con 2015: Erik Mona and Paizo Publishing

I hadn’t had a chance to talk with Paizo publisher Erik Mona since the 2014 GAMA Trade Show in Vegas so I was looking forward with catching up and learning about the new releases – directly in the heart of all the action of the Paizo Gen Con area.

‘Pathfinder’ Set for Hebrew Editions

Paizo Publishing has announced their uber-popular roleplaying game Pathfinder will soon be available in the Hebrew language. Paizo is teaming up with publisher Monkey Time

Paizo’s Gen Con 2013 Releases

Paizo Publishing has lots on their plate for this year’s Gen Con and these goodies may end up in short supply so if you’re hitting