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There’s still time to get your pre-order for the second edition of Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear and with your order from Academy Games you’ll receive the Wrecks and Destruction expansion at no charge.

From Academy:

The highly anticipated release of Awakening the Bear 2nd Edition arrives in November. It is available in full English, French (Asyncron Games) and Spanish (Devir Games) editions.

Pre-Order Customers receive:

  • Awakening the Bear 2nd Ed with all new map and counter graphics, new units, more firefights, and new card layouts! 
  • Limited Edition Wrecks and Destruction Expansion Set! 
  • Limited Edition John Butterfield Solo Expansion Module!

Pre-Order customers attending Essen can pick up their games if they email us by 16.10.2012.  Look for our banner in the Udo Grebe Games booth #6-812.

Jeff McAleer


  1. I am still waiting for John Hill’s Gettysburg game.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up! Pre-ordered, and picking it up at Essen.

  3. … and picked it up. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

    • I’m looking forward to seeing the new edition myself!


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