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I show you how to play and review the WWII era strategy game Black Orchestra from Starling Games. Plus news from Renegade Game Studios, Days of Wonder, Daily Magic Games and more.

03:32 News of the day
12:35 What’s on the horizon on The Daily Dope
18:39 How to play and Jeff’s review of Black Orchestra

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Jeff McAleer


Black Orchestra is an excellent historical game with plenty of replay values. I especially love how steeped it is in the actual history of the assassination attempts on the Fuhrer's life. The cooperative elements are just reacting to game mechanics as many co-op titles are and I really dug that as well. I could see some people not liking the luck factor cooked into the game (I don't mind it whatsoever) and the mid game can feel like the players are simply waiting to take a shot at killing Hitler. Regardless, this is a must have in any collection for those who enjoy a nice dose of history in their gaming and even for many of those who couldn't care less about the past.

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