From Bombshell:
Calling all space aces! Grab your particle guns, strap on your rocket packs, and prepare for pulp sci-fi cinematic excitement, Counterblast 2nd Edition is on its way! Bombshell Miniatures is very proud to announce the latest version of Counterblast with new streamlined gameplay, a faster interactive activation phase, vehicle rules, unique player missions, episodic campaign guidelines, and a new Hero Builder for crafting your very own customizable heroes and crews, as well as an open crew format without being faction dependent allowing you to use any models from your collection to build your crews and level them up while exploring the Outer Reaches.
In keeping with the nostalgic feel of CounterBlast, we’re also pleased to offer an all new starter set for those beginning their adventures in the Outer Reaches or those wishing to expand their existing crews. This Counterblast Lunchbox Edition starter set comes in a color printed tin lunch box adorned with new art depicting the enterprising Lancer Captain Wanda Whitestar and her intrepid crew by the talented Giorgio Baroni. This starter set will include two custom-cut tray inserts manufactured by Battle Foam to keep your crews safe as they travel with you from game to game. You will be able to select two of the five depicted faction crews to be included in your set. These miniatures are cast in metal and/or high quality polyurethane resin. In addition, you will receive color statcards for each crew model, two quality Chessex d10 “Moxie” dice sets in faction-related colors, a Counterblast tape measure, and a handy black and white quick-start rulebook.