From GMT:
We have a few games moved around on the schedule this time, with a few short delays as well. But essentially we’re on track to ship a bunch of cool new games over the coming six months. Note that in this update we have added projected released for the 3rd and 4th quarter, as we now have a good idea of what our Fall production cycle looks like.
As noted previously, we have a few games (at the bottom of the list below) that are TEMPORARILY off the schedule. That doesn’t mean they won’t drop back in somewhere in the next couple of quarters, but rather, due to various issues in the final development process, we are unclear as to their “readiness” at this point. We would always rather have a game “right” than “soon,” so that’s what’s going on with these games. As we get a more definitive feel of their status, we will add them back to the schedule.
Late June, 2012:
Next War: Korea
Red Winter
Early July, 2012:
Ardennes ’44 (New Edition)
Reds (Reprint Edition)
Mid-Late July, 2012:
Andean Abyss
Dominant Species: The Card Game
August, 2012:
Bloody April, 1917
Crown of Roses
Panzer + Expansions 1 and 2
September, 2012:
Space Empires: Close Encounters
Saints in Armor
Fading Glory
October, 2012:
Mr. Madison’s War
Pax Baltica
November, 2012:
The Hunters (for Consim Press)
Commands & Colors Napoleonics, 2nd Printing
C & C Napoleonics: The Russian Army
Unscheduled for Now:
The Supreme Commander (Once we get a new developer and address one balance issue, we’ll add this one back to the schedule)
Battle for Normandy Expansion Pack
Great Campaigns of the Thirty Years War
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