A world of beautiful colors comes alive as players choose commission cards picturing 34 of the finest European art works of the past six centuries. Players score their commissions by mixing primary colors through clever tile placement, and recreating the palettes of colors used by the masters who created these works. Explore the paintings, palettes and pasts of the artists in this unique and challenging game for the whole family.
The game will include:

34 Commission Cards – Each showing between 2-7 colors needed to complete the artwork; commission points ranging from 7-16; and information about the painting.
132 Palette Cards – Eash showing a color and number of points it is worth
54 Palette Hexes – Each displaying one of three primary colors in “dabs” at each point of the hex; and a single double primary color at the center.
4 Player Reference Cards – Each to sided card shows all of the palette mixes in a color chart on one side and the turn sequence on the other.
1 Game Board
1 Rules Book

The object of the game is to score as many points as possible. Players gain points for completed commission cards, unusable palette cards, and special bonuses. Palettes are mixed and collected by strategic placement of the palette hex tiles beginning with the three hex starting tile. Each player will have two hexes in hand, drawn at random from the pile of tiles, in which they place one that connects with a tile already in play. That player then draws the associated palette cards with will, hopefully, be used to complete their commission.
I have to say the game looks very intriguing and for those who might jump to the conclusion that it would be similar to Fresco – there’s paint involved after all! – let me point out that the two games look to be completely different. Fresco is a worker placement game and Pastiche certainly is not.
The game is for 2-4 players ages 10+ and should be completed within 45-60 minutes.
I’m looking forward to giving Pastiche a try when it releases in 2011 and look for a full review then!