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Tag: Thoughts on Gaming

Chez Geeks (MTL Blog)

Quebec Aims to Put ‘Chez Geeks’ Gaming Store Out of Business

The latest business on the QQFL’s hit list happens to be Chez Geeks, a Montreal based gaming store. Chez Geek co-owner Giancarlo Caltabiano reports he has received three notices from the QQFL stating the store will be fined if it continues to sell products which do not have French language equivalents.

Some Truths About Geek Misogyny (NSFW)

Where is it guaranteed, in the constitution of whatever country you live, you’ll always be happy as a pig in shit? I’m guessing nowhere. Yet over the past few years seemingly every asshole with a keyboard carries on as if a writ from god came down with a predestined christening to supreme satisfaction if they wish and if they can’t find that satisfaction woe to those who may stand in the way of their self-appointed happiness. Well that ain’t the way the world works, Bubba.

A Look at 21st Century Gaming Tools

I thought I’d take a break from game reviews and share some thoughts on tools that I use to enhance my gaming experience. No, I’m